Play Therapy

​Play is the language of children and the toys are their words.

For children, play is a significant part of the therapeutic process and is the natural way that children express and learn about themselves. In play therapy, children have access to specific materials and toys that facilitate expression of emotions and needs. Play therapy encourages children to identify and express feelings, self-regulate, and discover healthy ways of relating to others.

​Each individual child is regarded as a unique being with his or her own special set of skills and strengths. As a result of play therapy, your child learns to view him or herself more positively and more capable. 

Play therapy helps children to:

  • develop creative solutions to problems and new ways of thinking

  • increase acceptance of self and others

  • identify and express emotions

  • develop empathy and respect for the thoughts and feelings of others

  • learn and practice new social skills

  • cultivate relationship skills

  • increase self-worth, self-confidence, and self-efficacy


Individual Therapy

